Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Meme from Carrie

1~ Look around!! Describe to me the very first handmade *gift* your eyes run by that was made for YOU from one of your children. Then, tell me why you have it displayed where you do.
My daughter made the pencil holder in the kitchen. It's a can painted blue with a snowman on the front. It's been in the same spot for years even when out of season, just because I think it's cute, useful and makes me think of her.

2~ Looking back on our childhood, we all can remember something we *always* wanted as a kid, but just never got. What is the one thing you can still remember to this day that you never had the *joy* of receiving? I had a garage sale, B&W TV with foil on the antennae and broken dial in my room. Had to use pliers to change channels. Always wanted a new color TV. Maybe that explains why there are now 5 TV's in my house?

3~ What is one phobia that you have that others may find silly? I'm not talking fear of snakes. I mean *silly*, as in, others just don't get why on earth you're scared of *that*? Thanks to the movie, Sixth Sense, I always think there's someone under my bed that will grab my feet when I get up at night.

4~ Name one saying that you made up out of the blue. Nobody in the general public would know what you meant by it but your family is all too aware of exactly what you mean when the words spout out. "Laundry and dishes!"

5~ You have the power to grant one miracle to someone outside of your own family. This miracle can not be frivolous. Who would you grant this miracle to. What would the miracle be? How would you go about granting it? This is easy - heal Isabelle

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Annie said...

I loved reading your answers to that! I am going to do it later this morning too. I especially liked #5!
I'm so glad your a blogger.


Anonymous said...

Yay Melody! I'm so glad you played along! I just *loved* your answers! Ya know, I had that same fear of something grabbing my feet from under the bed ... when I was 5, LOL!!! Wonderful miracle! Izzy is so worth it! :o) Thanks for playing!!

Mandalyn said...

I love reading Q&A and memes to learn more about all of my friends in the blogging world!! I'm glad you've joined in!!

God Bless!

Annie said...

i tagged u

Robin Green said...

We had the same no. 5! I enjoyed reading your answers!

Annie said...

still no pic!!!

Annie said...

I posted your pics!
Update your blog!

Annie said...

Tag. You're it.

Annie said...

You get the bad blogger award!!!!