Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Had a loss this week!

I lost 2.2 lbs. - yeah! I’m not sure if I can attribute the loss entirely to the tea because I did better about staying within my point range. My appetite’s a little more curbed and I feel slightly more energetic, just enough boost to get me started exercising again.

I’m going to finish my month’s supply of tea and then I’ll decide if I want to order more. If I consistently loose 2 lbs. or more a week, I’ll probably continue with Wu-Long. If not, I may switch to green tea (it’s cheaper) and keep trying to work the WW plan. I read green teas good for you and I really just wanted to try Wu-Long to give me a push in the right direction.


Candace MacPherson said...

Congrats to you, too! 2.2 legitimate lbs is awesome - that's what I'm hoping for next week. I didn't expect anyone from US to be at their computer today (business as usual here in Canada, though). I hope you have a great day! Happy 4th.

Annie said...

Woo hoo!!!